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  • Winterurlaub im Eisacktal - Südtirol

Your staff accommodation in Isarco Valley at the Hotel Klammerhof in Aica / South Tyrol

Are you looking for a hotel that is only a few minutes away from the motorway exit in Varna, has a large parking lot and is ideal for your employees also for many other reasons? Then the Klammerhof is your perfect choice! ​

Our convenient and well-connected location in the Isarco Valley

Our Hotel Klammerhof in Aica is centrally located in South Tyrol’s Isarco Valley, on the picturesque alpine plateau of Naz-Sciaves. It’s easy to get here: It’s only three minutes by car from the Brennero Motorway toll booth in Varna to our front door. And from the train station in Fortezza it’s even only two minutes to our hotel. The public bus stops there every hour. Furthermore, the popular and well-known long-distance bicycle trail Munich-Venice runs directly past the hotel. Therefore, you may spend your stay in South Tyrol here with us in the Isarco Valley comfortably without using your car and still be right in the middle of the action. ​

The ambiance – genuine South Tyrolean hospitality

The alpine flair of a historic South Tyrolean courtyard building will charm you. Our romantic farmhouse parlour was created in 1904 and is the cosy heart of our hotel.  Our winter garden offers a great place to relax by the fireplace.

Pure refreshment – in our hotel with swimming pool

After a long day of work, there’s nothing more refreshing and relaxing than dipping into wonderfully cool water. You have ample opportunity to do so in our swimming pool.

Welcome at the Klammerhof!

The name “Klammerhof” goes back to its location by the gorge (the “Klamm”) at the river Isarco. The hotel emerged from a farm that dates back to the 13th century. Halfway through the 20th century, a hosting business was added to the farm, which, after several renovations and expansions, since the 1980s has transformed into a popular hotel for tour groups, bus tourists, individual guests and now, above all, for companies looking for accommodation for their employees.

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We are sorry, at the moment we can not offer you any special offer. However, this may change quickly. Therefore, do not hesitate to visit our offer page again soon. You are also welcome to contact us directly with your individual request.

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